
This is the Privacy Policy of FUNBOOK Pvt. Ltd. and Meechat and its various & next versions including meechat web version (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Meechat","us", "we", or "our") and is incorporated into and is subject to our Terms of Use which can be found at In this Privacy Policy, we refer too ur products and services as the "Service". Please read on to learn more about our data handling practices. Your use of the Service signifies that you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Service. Information we collect When you install the Service on your device and register with meechat, personally identifiable information about you may be collected during the download process for the Service (as requested during the download process) and when you register with us. For registration through Meechat, you are required to provide your mobile phone number or your email address, city location, gender, name, depending on the device(s) you are using on the Service. You may also provide personally identifiable information,but that is optional. When you log in using your Facebook account, we may collect additional information you make available to us (see "Your UserProfile" below). In addition, when you install theService on your device and register with Meechat, you may be asked to allow us access to your address book. If you consent, we will have access to contacts information in your address book on the device you use for the Service (names,numbers, emails, and Facebook IDs, but no notes or other personal information in your address book) and we will store them on our servers and use them to help you use the Service, for example, by synchronising your meechat contacts between different devices you may want to use with the Service. If you don't want Meechat to store this information, you may opt-out through your account settings in the Meechat application at any time. However, we may not be able to offer some of the features that require this information. Meechat may also collect and gather non-personally identifiable information, such as certain profile information including country of residence and preferences. In addition, meechat may collect and store information about your and others’ usage of and interaction with theService and our websites, including matches, numbers of matches made by members, match durations, text messages, usage by geographies, device and connection information, IP address, device capability, bandwidth, statistics on page views, network type and traffic to and from our websites. Meechat allows you to share textmessages, photos, screenshots, videos and other communications in the Meechat application with other users, and if you choose to do so your text messages,photos, screenshots, videos, and other communications will be stored on ourservers. In addition, if you choose to share these items with other Meechat users,we may not be able to remove them from our servers or make them unavailable toanyone you have shared them with. Sending and sharing text messages, photos,screenshots, videos or other communications in the Meechat application is yourdecision. By choosing to share that information, you should understand that youmay no longer be able to control how that information is used and that it maybecome publicly available (depending in part on your actions or the actions ofothers with whom you have shared the information). Meechat is not responsible forany use or misuse of the information you share. In addition, in case yourconversation partner reports your abusive behavior or language to us, then theconversation information such as voices, screenshots or contents ofconversation which have been stored only in your partner's device may betransferred to our servers. Such transferred information will be processed byus to ascertain the genuineness of the report and determine your penalty levelsif needed. meechat may also collect and gather user contents (e.g., photos,screenshots, comments, and other materials) that you create on the Service. To complete a commerce transactionon ,meechat item shop, you will be requested to provide your payment information,including your credit card number, card expiration date, CVV code, and billingaddress. In that event, we will transmit your information securely directly toa third-party vendor or merchant who will collect such information in order toprocess and fulfill your purchase. meechat does not process or store your paymentinformation. However, we may store other information about your purchases madeon the Service, which may include the merchant’s name, the date, time andamount of the transaction and other behavioral information. We also collect error-reportinginformation if the Service crashes or hangs up so that we can investigate theerror and improve the stability of the Service for future releases. In general,these reports do not contain personally identifiable information, or onlyincidentally. As part of these error reports, we receive information about thetype and version of your device, the device identifier, the time the error occurred,the feature being used and the state of the application when the erroroccurred. We do not use this information for any purpose other thaninvestigating and fixing the error. Sharing of yourinformation We will not rent or sell yourinformation to third parties (or the group of companies of which meechat is apart) without your consent, except as noted in this Privacy Policy. Parties with whom we may shareyour information: ● We may share User Contentand your information (including but not limited to, information from cookies,log files, device identifiers, location data, and usage data) with businessesthat are legally part of the same group of companies that meechat is part of, orthat become part of that group ("Affiliates"). Affiliates may usethis information to help provide, understand, and improve the Service(including by providing analytics) and Affiliates' own services (including byproviding you with better and more relevant experiences). But these Affiliateswill honor the choices you make about who can see your contents. ● We also may share yourinformation as well as information from tools like cookies, log files, anddevice identifiers and location data, with third-party organizations that helpus provide the Service to you ("Service Providers"). Our ServiceProviders will be given access to your information as is reasonably necessaryto provide the Service under reasonable confidentiality terms. ● We may also share aggregateor anonymous information with third parties, including advertisers andinvestors. For example, we may tell our advertisers the number of users our appreceives. This information does not contain any personal or personallyidentifiable information and is used to develop content and services that wehope you will find of interest. ● We may remove parts of datathat can identify you and share anonymized data with other parties. We may alsocombine your information with other information in a way that it is no longerassociated with you and share that aggregated information. Parties with whom you may chooseto share your User Content: ● Any information or contentthat you voluntarily disclose for posting to the Service, such as User Content,becomes available to the public. With this feature, meechat can be protected fromexhibitionism. Once you have shared User Content or made it public, that UserContent may be re-shared by others. ● If you remove informationand contents (e.g. Screenshots, etc.) that you created on the Service, copiesmay remain viewable in cached and archived pages of the Service, or if otherUsers or third parties have copied or saved that information (e.g. Facebook,etc.). How we use the information wecollect We use or may disclose yourpersonal information only as follows: ● To verify your identity; ● To connect you with othersas enabled by the Service; ● To share your Profile withothers on the Service; ● To allow your use ofcertain features of the Service that may be offered from time to time (such asPremium Services (see our Terms of Use)); ● To show you the names ofpersons you communicate with and to show your name to persons you communicatewith on the Service; ● To deliver to you anyadministrative notices, alerts, and communications relevant to your use of theService; ● To provide you with relevantcontent that you requested, using information that you allow us to collect fromyou or that you provide to a social media provider with which your meechat accountis connected, such as information regarding your and your meechat contacts'respective locations; ● To contact you via email,SMS or otherwise for the purpose of informing you about new products, servicesor promotions offered by meechat (you can opt-out of such emails or SMSs bysending an email to; ● For internal operations,including troubleshooting problems, data analysis, testing, research,improvements to the Service, detecting and protecting against error, fraud orother illegal activity; ● When we have a good faithbelief that the law, any legal process, law enforcement, national security orissue of public importance requires disclosure; ● To protect and defend ourrights or property (including to enforce our Terms of Use and otheragreements); or ● In connection with acorporate transaction involving meechat, such as the purchase or sale of abusiness unit, an acquisition, merger, sale of assets, or other similar events. Your User Profile The information you enter intoyour user profile (your “Profile”) may be shared with your meechat contacts. You controlyour Profile and you can access and modify your Profile from the meechat application at any time. In addition, if you register with meechat using yourFacebook account (e.g. Facebook Connect), we may store your Facebook ID and thecorresponding token on our servers and, if you give us your express consent, wewill have access to and may collect certain information that you make availableon Facebook (for example, your first and last names, email address, profilepicture, your friend lists and birthdays). Your Profile is available to otherusers of the Service who are connected to you on meechat. In addition, unless youopt-out (which you may do at any time in the Meechat application), your Profile isdiscoverable by other meechat users, including by way of example in listings ofcontacts that will include your proximity to other users. You may also “blockout” any meechat user in your contact list from discovering your Profile at anytime. In addition, meechat may pre-populate your Profile with certain informationsuch as your name and Facebook profile picture if you or your friends havelogged onto the Service using Facebook. Data Access and Removal You can always control whatinformation you choose to share with us on the Service. To do so, you canchange your settings in the Service or on your mobile device. Alternatively,you can remove the Service from your mobile device entirely. You can remove your data anytimeyou want. If you ask us to delete your account, we will use commerciallyreasonable efforts to remove your data from our servers. Any personally identifiableinformation that (i) you share in text messages, photos, videos or otherwise inor through the meechat application with other users, or (ii) submit on a blog,bulletin board or chat room on our website or elsewhere can be viewed and usedby others, including to send you unsolicited messages or to commit identitytheft. meechat is not responsible for any use or misuse of your information thatmight result from your disclosure of information. Service Providers In certain instances, FUNBBOK Pvt. Ltd. and meechat may have contracts with third parties to provideproducts and/or services in connection with the Service. In those cases, meechat may share your personal information with meechat third-party service providers,but only in connection with providing the services to you. For example, meechat shares your phone number or email with third party SMS and email providers todeliver the authentication SMS or email to you when you register with meechat. Wecontractually require that these third parties use your information solely todeliver SMS or email to you and to use appropriate security measures to protectyour information. In addition, certain meechat servers are owned and hosted bythird-party service providers. This Privacy Policy does not apply to thepractices of third-party service providers. Outbound Links If you access a website, productor service provided by a third party, including through the Service or Adorwebsite, such third party may also collect information about you. Please seethe privacy policies of each such third party for more information about howthey use the information they collect. This Privacy Policy does not apply toany exchange of information between you and any third party. Opt-Out – PromotionalCommunications meechat allows you to choose not toreceive promotional email messages from meechat and its service providers. You mayopt-out by following instructions in the message sent by meechat or its serviceproviders on how to unsubscribe from that particular mailing. You may alsoopt-out by contacting us at Security Protecting user privacy andpersonal information is a top priority for FUNBOOK Pvt. Ltd. and meechat.We make substantial efforts to ensure the privacy of all personallyidentifiable information you provide to us. Access to all personallyidentifiable information is restricted to those FUNBOOK Pvt. Ltd. and meechat employees, contractors, agents and third-party service providers who needto know that information in order to provide, operate, develop, maintain,support or improve the Service. FUNBOOK Pvt. Ltd. and meechat usepassword protection, access logs, and system monitoring to safeguard theconfidentiality and security of all member information. In addition, due to the inherentnature of the Internet and related technology, we do not guarantee theprotection of information under our control against loss, misuse or alteration. Data Transfer Your information may be stored andprocessed in any country in which FUNBOOK Pvt. Ltd. and meechat maintainfacilities, including outside of the Republic of India. In this regard, or forpurposes of sharing or disclosing data as described in this Privacy Policy,FUNBOOK Pvt. Ltd. and meechat reserve the right to transfer informationoutside of your country. By using the Service, you consent to any such transferof information outside of your country. Age The Service is not directed to childrenunder the age of thirteen (13) and we do not knowingly collect personallyidentifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of theService. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personallyidentifiable information from a user under the age of thirteen as part of theService, we will delete such information from our records. If we change ourpractices in the future, we will obtain prior, verifiable parental consentbefore collecting any personally identifiable information from children underthe age of thirteen as part of the Service. Notification of Changes We reserve the right at ourdiscretion to make changes to this Privacy Policy. You may review updates toour Privacy Policy at any time via links on our website. You agree to acceptelectronic communications and/or postings of a revised Privacy Policy on the FUNBOOK Pvt. Ltd. and Ador website, and you agree that suchelectronic communications or postings constitute notice to you of the PrivacyPolicy. We reserve the right to modify this policy from time to time, so pleasereview it frequently. If we make material changes tothis policy, we will notify you by publishing a revised Privacy Policy or bymeans of a notice on our website, or as required by law. You agree to reviewthe Privacy Policy periodically so that you are aware of any modifications. Youagree that your continued use of the Service after we publish a revised PrivacyPolicy or provide a notice on our website constitutes your acceptance of therevised Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of the PrivacyPolicy, you should not use the Service. Your rights If you wish to use any of therights described below, you may contact us at any time by emailing us at We process and answer your requests without undue delay and inany event within one month of our receipt of the request unless a longer periodis required due to the complexity of the request. In this case, our response timecan be up to three months in total as permitted by Article 12 of the GDPR. 1) Right to request access You have the right to request access into the data that we are processing onyou, see Article 15 of the GDPR, including information about: ● the purposes of theprocessing ● the categories of personaldata concerned ● the recipients orcategories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will bedisclosed ● the envisaged period forwhich the personal data will be stored Furthermore, you have the right toobtain a copy of the personal data undergoing processing. Please note thataccess may be restricted due to intellectual property or trade secrets. 2) The right to object You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data on groundsrelating to your particular situation when the data are processed based onthe balancing of interest rule in Section 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, see Article 21of the GDPR. In this case, we will cease the processing unless there arecompelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override yourinterests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary for theestablishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. You have the right toobject to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes atany time. We will cease the processing of your personal data for thispurpose after the objection. Please note that if you exercise this right,your user license to use the Service will cease automatically. 3) Right to rectification anderasure You have the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified, see Article 16 of the GDPR. Furthermore, you have the right to have your personal data erased where one of the following grounds applies, see Article 17 of the GDPR: ● the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, ● if you have withdrawn your consent and there are no other legal grounds for the processing, ● if you have objected to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, ● the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law, ● the personal data have been unlawfully processed or ● the personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services. Please note that your right to erasure may be limited if the data are necessary for compliance with a legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. 4) Right to withdraw consent You have the right to obtain restriction of processing in certain circumstances, see Article 18 of the GDPR. If you have the right to restriction, we will only process your data with your consent or for the establishment,exercise or defence of a legal claim or to protect a person or important grounds of public interest the right to withdraw consent. If we have asked for your consent to our processing of your data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, see Article 7 of the GDPR. If you withdraw your consent, we will cease processing of the data for which you have withdrawn consent, unless we have a legal obligation to keep some or parts of your data.Please note that if you withdraw your consent, your user licence to use theServices will cease automatically. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before it's withdrawal. 5) The right to data portability You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided us with which we process in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller if the processing is based on consent or contract performance, see Article 20 of the GDPR. Data Protection Officer The company has designated the person in charge of personal data protection as below for inquiries and complaints about personal information of users. ● Name: Ranadeep Meenagoni ● Position: CTO ● Address: Manjeera Trinity Corporate, Plot No. S2 Unit No. 810 &811, JNTU Rd, K P H B Phase 3, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072 ● Phone: +91 96181 43596 ● E-mail: Contact Information If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at Any personally identifiable information provided in connection with inquiries related to this Privacy Policy will be used solely for the purpose of responding to the inquiry and consistent with our Privacy Policy. Date This privacy policy was posted on March 04, 2023. Terms & conditions for users - Certainly! Here's an updated version of the Terms and Conditions that includes the additional points you mentioned: Terms and Conditions - Influencers Marketing App Please read these Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") carefully before using the Influencers Marketing App ("App") provided by [Your Company Name] ("Company," "we," or "us"). By using the App, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions: Campaign Post Deletion 1.1 If an influencer fails to comply with the campaign requirements or violates any terms specified by the admin or client, their post may be deleted at the discretion of the admin or client. 1.2 In case of post deletion, the influencer shall not be entitled to any payment for the particular campaign. Furthermore, the influencer agrees to pay an amount equal to 10 times the payment associated with that specific campaign as liquidated damages. Intellectual Property and Confidentiality 2.1 The influencer acknowledges and agrees that all intellectual property rights, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents, related to the App and any associated materials, are and shall remain the exclusive property of the Company. 2.2 The influencer shall not copy, reproduce, share, or imitate any information obtained through the App with any third-party marketing companies. Furthermore, the influencer shall not attempt to replicate or create a similar application based on the features or functionalities of the App. 2.3 In the event of a breach of intellectual property rights or confidentiality as stated in section 2.2, the influencer agrees to pay the Company a penalty of USD 10,000,000 as liquidated damages, in addition to any other remedies available to the Company under applicable law. Disclosure of Fake Engagement 3.1 If the Company determines that an influencer's profiles or posts contain fake views or likes, the Company reserves the right to disclose this information directly to the brands associated with the campaigns. 3.2 The purpose of disclosing such information is to protect the interests of the clients and ensure transparency in influencer marketing campaigns. Timely Completion of Tasks 4.1 After confirming a bid, the influencer must complete the remaining tasks within the agreed-upon timeframe, except in cases of medical situations or emergencies. 4.2 If the influencer is unable to complete the tasks or shifts to other agencies without prior notice or fails to respond to calls or communication, they must pay an amount equal to 10 times the payment associated with the campaign as liquidated damages. General Provisions 5.1 The influencer agrees to use the App solely for its intended purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 5.2 The influencer acknowledges that the App may contain links to third-party websites or resources. The Company is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of such external sites or resources and does not endorse and is not responsible for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. 5.3 The influencer agrees to provide accurate and up-to-date information when using the App and to promptly notify the Company of any changes to such information. 5.4 The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the App or any part thereof, at any time without prior notice or liability. 5.5 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction]. By using the App, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use the App.